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I make environmental and spatial artwork as well as installations and collages of nature's yield and recycled materials. I grow, gather and beg for my materials by myself and recycle them. Substances are metaphors and means are messages. I use demolition waste and found objects as well as flora, especially useful plants. Climate change has been my central theme since 2003.

In my art I chart the intertwined processes of destruction and birth. I implement my works often into a specific place, on the conditions of the place. Interaction with the surroundings is vitally important to me. Weather, nature and other people bring about coincidences and an element of surprise to my working. I document my works by photographing and videoing. This image material, too, I recycle to my new works, such as easily transportable photo and video works.

Annual working in South Africa in 2005-2014 has greatly infuenced my colour world and brought people also into the picture. Africa's nature and history have given rise to new topic areas related to climate change: water, paradise and fall, climate refugeeism, homelessness. Themes such as excesses and greed have come forward along current natural catastrophes.

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© 2024 Kristiina Korpela